Prodia Family Fun Race 2

01 November 2016

Starting Prodia Family Fun Race 2...

Starting Prodia Family Fun Race 2 Event

30 October 2016 - Prodia Clinical Laboratory held another Brand Activation event in the form of Family Fun Race themed "Tune Up Your Health" for tune-up is not exclusively about vehicle, yet it also concerns our mental and body health. This activity represents Prodia's care for Indonesian people's health, especially the families because being healthy and happy is what every family aspires.

Car convoy of Prodia Family Fun Race 2 began to move together

The concept was unique by involving families from a number of car communities to take part in the fun rally tour along Semarang highways. Starting from Mandala Bhakti Museum, participants went by the posts at Prodia's Semarang branches, where at each of these posts they would be required to follow instructions, answering questions and quizzes around health, collecting stamps, until they passed the finish line. In addition, Prodia also held various games, live music upon the participants arriving on the finish line, Lakers Club BSB. The children as well took a role in this event by joining fun games for kids.

A family participating at Prodia Family Fun Race

The Prodia Clinical Laboratory packaged the event with the concept of edutainment, allowing the families in Semarang for having holidays together and improving the knowledge on how to maintain the health of the family as well as taking benefits from various activities during the event.

According to Reskia Dwi Lestari, SE, MM, as the Marketing Communication Manager of Prodia Clinical Laboratory, "Having a quality time with our beloved family is the most valuable moment of all and today's parents must be considerate in choosing the fun and healthy activities for the families, one of which is by joining this Family Fun Race. The healthy family is the dawn of the healthy Indonesia."o

Awarding of motorcycle door prize with Reskia Dwi Lestari, Marketing Communication Manager of Prodia

For these smart families, Prodia presents various services from the Family Health Panel for newborn babies to required tests for the elderly.

The available panels include Neonatal Screening Test, Infant Panel (aged 1-12 months), Toddler Panel (aged > 1-3 years), Preschool Panel (aged > 3-5 years), Teenager Panel (aged > 12-18 years), Child Obesity Panel and Young Generation Panel for youths. In addition, for adults and the elderly, there are Check-Up Panel, Check-Up Plus, Wellness Testing Panel, as well as Elderly Panel. And lastly, Driver Panel and Baby Sitter Panel are also available to complete the "Family Health Panel."

Winner of folding bike door prizes

Prodia is a private clinical laboratory with the biggest network comprising 128 clinical laboratories and a total of 251 outlets spread in over 104 cities and 30 provinces in Indonesia. Its vision has transforms. Aside from being the Center of Excellence, it also aspires to become a trusted health care service provider toward the Next Generation Health Care where treatment for every individual is different and adjusted to their genes and with an aim of overcoming diseases earlier and more thoroughly.


For further information, please contact:

Reskia Dwi Lestari, SE, MM

Marketing Communication Manager

Prodia Clinical Laboratory

Jl. Kramat Raya 150 Jakarta 10430

Phone: (021) 314 4182

Fax: (021) 314 4181, 392 1247
